SplitOSDocs.rexx Macro Splits OS3.5 HTML manuals into manageable-sized chapters $VER: SplitOSDocs.rexx v1.00 (1 Nov 1999) İRon Goertz (goertz@earthlink.net) This ARexx macro will copy the OS 3.5 HTML manuals from your OS 3.5 CD to your harddrive, splitting the manuals into chapters as it does so. The indexes and tables of content are also updated. Note that the original HTML documents are stored in four different formats, requiring this macro to be fairly specific to this version of the docs. The conversion of the Workbench manual takes about 27 minutes by itself, most of the time spent converting the document to a standard format. I can't guarantee the conversion process will work with non-English versions of the documentation. WHY: Keep your browser from fainting at the prospect of loading 1MB HTML files Speed up access to the parts of the manual you're interested in Allow you to correct the numerous mistakes in the HTML docs WHY NOT: You don't have 3.5 MB of free disk space You don't have a legal copy of the OS 3.5 upgrade REQUIREMENTS: A legally obtained OS 3.5 upgrade CD OS 3.5 installed 3,474,427 bytes of free disk space About 40 minutes. On a 25 MHz -040: It took 4.55 minutes to convert the arexx manual. It took 9.37 minutes to convert the dos manual. It took 0.76 minutes to convert the harddisk manual. It took 0.31 minutes to convert the installation manual. It took 27.20 minutes to convert the workbench manual. USAGE: From a shell, type: rx SplitOSDocs.rexx Two file requesters will appear The first one asks for the original (CD) files The second one asks for the destination directory